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MERCURai is an innovative architectural sculpture developed by XTOPIA for Boyner's İstinye Park store facade. Named to reflect its fluid, mercurial aesthetic, the sculpture spans 46 square meters and is designed to evoke the ephemerality of elements like water and sand through its organic, flowing forms.

Design and Production

Over a two-month design phase, XTOPIA employed AI to generate more than 50 unique 3D pattern iterations. The team then carefully selected and deconstructed elements from these 2D images, reassembling them into a cohesive structure that conveys a new organic language. The production process utilized high-density XPS material, shaped by a precision 5-axis CNC machine. After meticulous sanding, the components were coated with epoxy and primer, followed by paint and varnish for a sleek finish. The sculpture was assembled from 12 pieces, each 14.5 cm thick, using a special adhesive for durability


The final installation is a testament to the harmonious blend of digital fabrication and artistic vision. The LED animations and physical sculpture work in concert, offering viewers an ever-changing visual narrative that challenges the boundaries between the physical and the digital.

The MERCURai installation merges physical sculpture with digital animation through an LED screen, creating a dynamic interplay between form and motion. This layered experience blends the tangible sculpture's organic contours with fluid digital visuals, enhancing the perception of depth and movement.

Digital Integration

A dynamic LED screen sits behind the physical sculpture, displaying organic animations ‘’Scales’’ that mirror the physical form's fluidity. This digital layer introduces a temporal dimension to the static sculpture, creating a hybrid installation where the physical and virtual engage in a continuous, symbiotic dialogue.

AI-assisted design was crucial in developing MERCURai, but XTOPIA emphasized human creativity over AI aesthetics. The AI served as a creative partner, generating diverse patterns which designers refined and reinterpreted to emphasize the human element in the final design. The outcome is a piece that, while technologically advanced, is deeply rooted in the human creative process, underscoring the synergy between human artistry and AI as a tool for innovation.

Software and Technology

AI Pattern Generation: Midjourney & Photoshop

CNC Machining: Homag 316L

Digital Animation: Touchdesigner

Sustainability Statement

Materials and processes were selected for their environmental friendliness, reflecting XTOPIA's commitment to sustainable design practices.


Artist/Designer: Lalin Akalan / XTOPIA 

Digital Artist: DistCollective 

Production: İkoor & Mikodam

Location: Boyner, İstinye Park, Istanbul  

Completion: January 2024

Medium: High-density XPS foam, epoxy coating, LED digital display  

Dimensions: 46 square meters (approx.)  and  5.40 m³

Commissioned by: Boyner Group

Special thanks to

Eren Çamurdan (Boyner CEO), Filiz Bayrak (Boyner),Serde Nadirler (Boyner), İlayda Şekil (Boyner), Barış Cilman (Boyner), Mustafa Toner (Toner Mimarlık), Tuğçe Gülkan (Toner Mimarlık), Melih Gün (İkoor), Dican Köse (İkoor), Semiha Akçam (İkoor), Ali Koç (İkoor), Lalin Akalan (xtopia), Esra Küçükşen (xtopia), Nada Aydın (xtopia),  Ilgın İçözü (xtopia), Kerim Safa (xtopia), Daniel Molnar (xtopia), Levent Acar

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